Weather Forecasts / Passage Planning Category

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Showing 17 Services

  • Weather Forecasts / Passage Planning
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  • Mediterranean

Aemet is the Spanish metrological agency.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology

  • Australia & New Zealand

Cruisers Net & Weather Net

  • Caribbean & Central America

The daily Bahamas cruisers radio net broadcasts a daily weather forecast for the region and other varied and interesting information.

Daily Weather - Grenada

  • Caribbean & Central America

Ch.68 at 0730hrs every morning

IPMA - Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere

  • Atlantic Islands

Detailed marine and weather forecasts for Portugual & the archipelago of the Azores.

Malta Airport MetOffice

  • Mediterranean

Martinique Cruisers Radio Net

  • Caribbean & Central America

The Martinique cruisers radio net broadcasts a daily weather forecast for the region and other varied and interesting information.

Marv’s Weather Service

  • Caribbean & Central America

Detailed weather service run by Marv, a licensed USCG Captain, boating all his life.

Met Office - UK Weather

  • Northern Europe, The Baltic & Northern Latitudes

A good reliable forecast for all UK waters, online and on VHF16 every 4 hours.


  • Pacific Islands & French Polynesia

Neville Koop is the weather man to listen out for when cruising the Fiji islands.

National Hurricane Centre

  • Caribbean & Central America

Detailed weather platform, with data/analyses and forecasts.


  • Mediterranean

This company provide worldwide 24/7 weather information service, supporting Captains in their voyage planning and prompt forecasting along the route.

Northern Territory Tide Tables

  • Australia & New Zealand

With 8m tides…

The Thai Meteorological Department

  • South East Asia

WRI – Weather Routing Incorporated

  • North America

WRI is recommended as a world leader in detailed weather forecasting & optimal weather routing for all shipping & yachts.

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