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Taxis / Island Tours / Chauffeurs & Limousines in Antigua

Success! Your search for 'island dreams' in Antigua filtered by Taxis / Island Tours / Chauffeurs & Limousines returned 8 results. Clear search

Location: Caribbean & Central America -> Antigua and Barbuda -> Antigua remove filter

Category: Taxis / Island Tours / Chauffeurs & Limousines remove filter

Uncle Ted’s Island Adventures

Well known and respected Antiguan Ted Martin offers interactive guided tours of Antigua and catalogues your experience on camera, “ Making your vacation a lasting memory”.

Barbuda Express

A choice of three high speed vessels travel from Antigua to Barbuda, including a wave-piercing Catamaran that takes just 90 minutes (in practically all weather conditions!).

Big's Taxi / VIP Services

As well as running a highly recommended car rental company, Kirk Browne (of Big’s Car Rental) operates a smart and reliable VIP taxi service in Antigua, where his clientele ride in the comfort of modern, luxurious vehicles and spacious four-wheel drives.

Adelia – Bubblezz Taxi Service

Adelia runs a smart taxi bus for crew and guest transport needs.

Eric Taxi

Eric has a luxury Toyato Hiace Taxi Bus and has been a real favourite with yacht Captain’s and crews for many years now.

Footsteps Rainforest Hiking Tours

Hiking tours are led by Dassa who lives and works in the rainforest.

JB Taxi

Reliable, charismatic and professional.

JR Taxi

JR is a friendly reliable driver, punctual and responsible.