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Carpentry / Teak Decking Category

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Newport Yacht Joinery

Max and his team of four are fully mobile and work from Narragansett to the Fairhaven area.

Olbia Chantier Naval

This well recommended company in Hyères can handle complete interior or exterior refits including electrical, canvas and upholstery.


This family business in Six-Fours-les-Plages have a solid reputation for their high quality works and can handle major projects.

Mordziol Yachtservice

We received good feedback for this company which specialises in boat joinery.

O’Neill Shipwright

A regularly recommended shipwright and carpenter, great for interior and exterior furniture.

Bloemen de Maas

Bloemen de Maas designs, manufactures and installs prefabricated teak decks, cap-rails, exterior furniture and bespoke items for the yachting industry.


Esthec Nautical Decking is an environmentally friendly decking application with a thermoset bio-based material, different from all other decking applications on the market.

Henriksen Yacht Service (HYS)

We received excellent feedback on HYS for their extensive shipwright and joiner experience.

Menuiserie-Yachting Service

MYS comes well recommended for creating beautiful teak decks, restoration and repair of all sorts of wood.

Royal Deck

They offer turn-key complete deck systems in Teak, solid, finger jointed, scarf jointed or laminated teak, as well as deck systems in alternative wood species or composite products.

Teak Timber Phuket

A certified supplier of Golden Burmese Teak based in Phuket, Thailand

The Boatworks

The Boatworks is a company with a workshop in Vallauris specialising in Superyacht interiors and decking.

AMF Teak Decks

Renowned for their high quality work on both motor yachts and sailing yachts, AMF Teak Decks offer quality teak laying, including hatchways, functional and decorative stairs.

Ocean Yacht Decks

Specialise in digital measuring and CNC production of teak decking panels, gratings, caprails, and more, for refit or new-build.

Scandinavian Refit

Well-recommended for all exterior woodworks including, teak decks, beading, varnishing and re-caulking.