Florists in Pacific Islands & French Polynesia
- Tahiti / Bora Bora / Moorea
Recommended for supplying stem flowers and arrangements to yachts, the shop, situated on Avenue Prince Hinoi in Papeete, close to the port, is well worth a visit for a selection of floral accessories.
FarmBoy – Nadi
- Fiji & Tonga
"FarmBoy" is 100 % "Fijian owned" well recommended Company, located just 10 mins from Denarau Marina.FarmBoy carries some unique "Fijian products" like edible flowers, decorative flowers, sweet potato fries, cassava fries, dalo fries, tamarind sauce, micro herbs and fruit pulps etc.
Fleurs et Merveilles
- Tahiti / Bora Bora / Moorea
Fleurs et Merveilles came recommended for their floral arrangements, stem flowers & for the traditional flowers necklaces (Lei’s).
- Tahiti / Bora Bora / Moorea
This florist came well recommended for their floral artistry and design.
Suns Flower Shop
- Palau + 1 locations
Located behind the WCTC Supermarket; they were said to provide nice imported flowers.
Tadra Flowers – Namaka, Nadi
- Fiji & Tonga
Located in Namaka, Tadra Flowers has supplied flowers & floral arrangements to yachts in Denarau Marina for many years.