Monaco Port's New Marina at Cala del Forte on target for a July 2020 Official Opening

Founded in 2002 by the city-state of Monaco, Monaco Ports (SEPM) manages the ports of the Principality (Hercule and Fontvielle) as well as the new floating breakwater. 

In 2016, in response to the ever-increasing demand for yacht berths and saturation in the ports of the Principality, Monaco Ports decided create SMIP (Société Monégasque Internationale Portuaire) and purchased the nearby port of Cala del Forte in Ventimiglia (IM).

A wide spectrum of lavish and convenient facilities for yachts and guests at Cala del Forte...

  • 178 berths from 6,5 up to 70+ meters
  • Surveillance shall be guaranteed by a system of 70 CCTV videocameras:
  • All access points to the marina shall be guarded on a 24-hour basis.
  • Underground parking area for up to 577 vehicles
  • 15.000 m2 of promenades and gardens
  • 3,800 m2 of first-class shops (35 units), restaurants, cafés, offices and amenities
  • Storage facilities adjacent to the berths
  • Electric golf cart transportation and delivery service
  • 2700 m² shipyard with 30 meter yacht lifting capacity
  • Direct connection to the historic old town of Ventimiglia Alta
  • A high tech A2V High Speed Shuttle adding to the the array of prestigious services offered at Cala del Forte - a 12-metre motor catamaran that can carry up to 12 passengers at a cruising speed of over 40 knots, making the Cala Del Forte - Monaco connection in just 15 minutes!

7th July 2020: Cala del Forte, Ventimiglia,
Official unveiling and welcome to the marinas first clients! 


Maritime works

  • Construction of the breakwater (1) and outer walls (2) has been fully completed since December 2018. The major storm that hit the Ligurian coast in October 2019 tested the strength of their infrastructure and they are happy to report that Cala del Forte suffered no damage whatsoever. To date installation of the piping, cabling and technical infrastructure has been completed on the breakwater and the outer walls
  • Construction of the Central Jetty (Molo d'Onore) (3), outer jetty (4) and “Pontile B” (5) is now complete.  All the bollards are installed, as is  underwater mooring infrastructure.

  • Shipyard: the piers and lifting basin have been completed (6) ready to accommodate the travel-lift capable of lifting yachts up to 30 meters. The 2,700 m² shipyard dock area is currently under construction.
  • The fuel distribution dock (7) has been completed and four tanks (with a total of 150.000  liters of fuel capacity) have been installed inside bunker/isolation tanks;
  • Dredging and leveling (8) to the final depth of the marina is complete.


On land works

The on-land works are now full steam ahead for the Summer 2020 season opening .





May 2019

The 5-week intensive training course for future linehandlers, organized by Cala del Forte – Ventimiglia saw participants be  fully prepared for both the technical and the specific needs of yachts and superyacht clientele! 



An impressive, purpose built marina with high end services and shops, offering berths for large yachts on this already busy coastline!


Marina Manager: Marco Cornacchia 

Tel:+39 0184 33109


All images and information copyright Cala del Forte  - Ventimiglia. 

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