AYSS - The Association of Yacht Support Services

  • Premium Service


AYSS provides a global community of like-minded, professional yacht agents, specialising in superyacht support. 

With 61 members in 45 countries, all of the AYSS agent members have the Superyacht Industry as their core business, offering local support and go that extra mile to look after a yacht whether it be for the captain, crew or management and charter agents. 

Extensive knowledge of local laws, tax systems, service providers and more, means that in today’s increasingly complex logistical and beaurocratic world it is the agent on the spot who will help get your yacht fully prepared for either owner, charter or passage in a very timely matter.

Their selection process is rigorous. Interested potential members must have been in business for a minimum of two years, with their core business being within the Superyacht Industry as agents.

Applicants are strictly vetted and requested to provide references not just from Captains but also from within the Superyacht Industry, as well as being recommended by other member agents. In case of any dispute, AYSS has an Ethics and Grievance working group which will attempt to mediate to the satisfaction of both parties.

Their strict membership requirements gives captains, owners and yacht managers the confidence and trust in selecting agents around the world. 

Becoming a valued member of AYSS gives agents an elevated advantage over unregulated yacht agents. The AYSS global network is constantly expanding. 

AYSS worldwide network of agents

The AYSS Global Handbook 

CLOSES 1st NOVEMBER 2024 ***



Chris Cairns (Admin): [email protected] 

Carlos Miquel (Chair)[email protected] 


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