The RYA charting an Equal, Diverse and Inclusive Course for the Future of Boating

'Charting an Equal, Diverse and Inclusive Course for the Future of Boating.'

In the same month that She of the Sea published their first very detailed, informative 2021 Annual Report,
the RYA launched its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy on 18th March 2021. 

As a membership organisation, the RYA represents over 104,000 members but the reach of the Strategy hopes to be much greater, opening opportunities for all to get on the water. 

Through the Strategy’s four underpinning objectives, to change perceptions, behaviours, experiences and reality, the RYA aim to bring greater equality and inclusivity across the whole recreational boating community.

This is the RYA's public declaration, to develop a culture that celebrates diversity, and is free from discrimination, prejudice, intimidation and all forms of harassment and bullying. It examines how they will create an organisation that reflects the diverse nature of the society in which they operate, to make all forms of recreational boating inclusive, accessible and attractive to all.

The Strategy

The Strategy (2021 - 2030) details a comprehensive 10 Step Action Plan, each of which aims to drive progress and deliver change through the embedding of best practice, training, positive engagement, and monitoring.

The importance of measurement, evaluation, reviews and reporting progress is paramount to moving forwards, with detailed time frames and metrics as aims for the organisation.

Words from the RYA's Chief Executive, Sarah Tresede...

"We joined other voices from the world of sport last summer to speak out against racism, and in doing so we recognised that more needed to be done to ensure that boating was as inclusive and diverse as we would like it to be. We reaffirmed our commitment to equality of opportunity then, and we have gone on to develop the Strategy that we are launching today that will enable us to deliver on that commitment: recreational boating and competitive sailing that is accessible and inclusive to all.
It is a hugely ambitious and exciting plan that we are looking forward to actioning to demonstrate that a person’s sex, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or religion should never be a barrier to participation in boating.

This is exciting and refreshing to see, and exactly what the yachting industry needs.

A national governing body of sport respected worldwide, challenging itself and leading the way with a well set out strategy and action plan, to raise the standards in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for all. 

News & courtesy of The RYA/ Policies & Plans/ Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.  

In Pictures

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